Saturday, April 22, 2017


Hello, Friends.
I've moved to! Click the link to stay up-to-date on blog posts, guest articles from the authors of HEROES & HEROINES, and information about the release of my upcoming book, THE VESTIGE.
I'll also be sharing travel adventures during my time in Sydney, Australia.
There's a lot in store for the next few months. Don't miss out!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Strength in Clay Jars: Heroines Volume VI (Gabby Poston)

            Growing up, my mom loved mason jars. She used them for everything! She had them scattered and placed all over the house for decoration. She would paint them beautiful and vibrant colors. We had MILLIONS of mason jars because every now and then one would become chipped, cracked or completely shattered. This did not matter to my mom—she still had a purpose for every chipped, cracked and shattered jar.

A woman fought hemorrhaging for 12 years until she was healed. The Bible tells us how she visited doctor after doctor, and they all told her there was nothing they could do to help her. One day, Jesus was amongst a large crowd; people were swarming him left and right. The woman reached out and touched the end of His robe. From there the Lord felt the power leave His body. He demanded to know who touched Him.

Overcoming shame, the woman looked up at the Lord. When He saw it was the woman, He said, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.”    

Luke 8: 40-48

Throughout my life thus far, my physical body has been chipped at, has faced several cracks and at times, feels like I am about to completely shatter. From abuse, to injury, to sickness, I have faced the storms of hurt and pain.

2 Corinthians 4 says we have a treasure inside our clay jars . . .

And this treasure we have within our fragile bodies is the strength of the Lord.

Let the world throw its darkness at us, for the Spirit of the Lord lives within us.

Nothing can defeat us.


Are you ashamed of your cracks?

The woman was ashamed to show her face to the Lord because of her illness. Our God is not ashamed to be our God, no matter what sickness, shame, abuse and pain has caused cracks in our bodies.

For years, I lived with the shame of being physically and sexually abused as a young girl. This created such a big crack in my body, it almost shattered. The Lord not only healed my broken body, but restored my heart. 

The meaning of restoration is to be brought back into existence. When we are fighting any type of brokenness or pain, it affects who we are as individuals.

The Lord is trying to bring us back into existence, to be who we were made to be!

With each crack on my body caused by the world, the Lord has replaced it with a scar of restoration.

The Lord wants to teach you something through your hurt and pain. Let God use your pain. There is a beautiful story to be told.


“Your faith has made you well.”

What if this is all it took for us to be healed?

Women of God, faith is the answer! Believe in the healing of your cracks. The woman endured 12 years of sickness until she was healed. It took me 12 years to come to terms with the abuse I faced as a young girl. I struggled and went back-and-forth confused as to what to do. Handing my brokenness over to the Lord was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.

The journey gives our pain purpose. Along the way the Lord is restoring our brokenness piece-by-piece. Let the work of the Lord being done inside of you be bigger than what’s trying to defeat you on the outside.

            God has a purpose for every chip and for every crack. The pain you feel will never be wasted when you give it to the Lord. He takes the pain and turns it into strength.
            Your strength will empower you to not only walk but run boldly on the path the Lord has set before you.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Fearfully and Wonderfully Enough: Heroines Volume V (Corinne Burns)

I am a woman. I am a woman created in the image of God. I am a woman with a long list of failures, strengths and weaknesses. I am a woman in need of a Savior. I am a woman who, at times, feels worthless, but I am a woman that Jesus looked at and said, “WORTH it.” I am a woman created with a God-given purpose.

I am a woman, and I am misunderstood.  

Everywhere we look, women are rioting, angry at the world. Social media is in an uproar over the demands, the calling out and the protesting of women all around the world.  

When did women lose sight of who we are created to be?  

When did women feel the need to condemn other women for embracing their God-given qualities, powerful feminine traits and desires?  

When did women quit looking to Jesus as the author of our lives?  

When did we quit looking to Him for our God-given purpose?  

When did we decide that the femininity God has gifted us with isn’t attractive, anymore?  

When did we decide it was okay to trash the guide God has given us on “being a woman” and create our own?  

When did we decide God didn’t know what He was doing, we don’t need inner beauty or the qualities of Jesus?   

Who came to the realization life has to be fair? As far as I’m concerned, it wasn’t “fair” Jesus paid for the sins of this world when He was blameless, yet all we are concerned about are women’s rights.

What about mercy?  

What about grace?  

What about Salvation?

What about forgiveness?  

What about humility?  

What about the fact none of us deserve what we have been given, yet many of us neglect to show even the slightest bit of gratitude?

I am a woman, I am misunderstood, and I am broken for women around the world who have traded their God-given purpose for a pair of gloves and time in the ring that result in a fight that only ends in defeat.  

You want to live with purpose? You want to see change? You want to be respected and revered?  Well, the good news is God wants those very same things for us, and He’s given us exactly what we need to embrace who we are as daughters of the King.

He’s prepared us with the perfect set of armor and weapons to fight the battles He’s created us to fight. The best news . . . He’s prepared us to win them.  

Proverbs 31:10-31 gives us such a beautiful, powerful picture of who God calls us to be and what He calls us to do as women. The wonderful thing is there is NO ONE else created to be who we are or do what we do. That means we are special—it also means we have an important, God-given purpose. So, you may be asking, “What do these verses mean? What is God really telling us here?”

She works with willing hands.” (She is a HARD worker.)  “She brings her food from afar.” (She works hard for food to feed her family.)  “She rises early in the morning, and provides food for her home.” (She gets up early and prepares her home for the day.)  “She considers a field and buys it.” (She is very wise when it comes to business, she is patient, not impulsive.)  “With the fruit of her hands, she plants a vineyard.” (She uses what she has, and she plants to provide with her own hands.)  “She dresses herself with strength, and makes her arms strong.” (She focuses on her heart with Jesus and takes care of her body!)  - Did anyone else feel just a little guilty about the whole working out thing?  I know I did.  Oops!  

She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.” (She knows who she is, she knows what she has to offer is worth it!)  “Her lamp does not go out at night.”  (She never stops. She’s always one step ahead.)  “She opens her hand to the poor, and reaches out her hands to the needy.” (She is genuine. She has a heart for others as Jesus does. She reaches out to those in need.)  “She is not afraid.” (SHE. IS. FEARLESS. She knows who holds her future, her faith is indestructible!)  

Strength and dignity are her clothing.” (She knows where true beauty lies. She is strong, she is CONFIDENT.)  “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” (She is oh so wise. She spreads kindness wherever she goes.)  “She does not eat the bread of idleness.” (She uses her time wisely; she is far from lazy, and she knows time is of the essence.)  “Her children rise up and call her blessed.” (She is respected and revered. Her children call her blessed.)  “Her husband praises her.” (Her husband PRAISES her. Enough said.)

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

A woman after God’s heart has the favor of our Savior! She recognizes that every moment, every person she comes into contact with is ordained by God. A woman of God knows her purpose is greater than proving she is something or someone to the world because she knows she is already someone to God.

A woman of God is fearless. She is confident, blessed, praised, strong and dignified. She is humble. She is wise. She is kind. She is diligent. She is virtuous. She is independent. She is active and full of life. She is constant, committed, efficient, productive and resourceful. She is purposeful. She loves deeply. She is a giver. She is beautiful inside and out. She is selfless. She is worth it. She is respected, and she is revered.  

Instagram: @corinnelburns

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Trailblazer: Heroines Volume IV (Makenna Runion)

You know that feeling when you finally make it to the gym after 23 years of off-days?
You’re lying on a yoga mat two billion other people sweated on earlier that day and you think to yourself, “Could this possibly be worth it?” You take a deep breath and let Beyoncé give you the energy to lift your head off the matt and pull your knees toward your chest. Then, you feel it. The burn. You stretch your body out and do it again. And there it is, more burn. Over and over again, you repeat this motion. Over and over again, you feel the burn until eventually you either reach your goal or collapse in a sweaty mess because you haven’t done the work to feel the burn leading into today’s workout.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
The burn hurts—we often leave trembling and weak. It doesn't go away immediately. Our muscles ache for days, but if we practice the motions enough, if we are consistent with investing our time, energy and heart, then we become stronger and healthier.
We can fight our enemies with more force and energy (which, in this case, means avoiding the leftover box of Krispy Kreme’s on the corner of my kitchen table).
I want to chat with you today about a different kind of burn, one that leaves us marked deep within our souls and changes who we are forever. I want to talk to you today about our wounds, ones that were given to us from friends who didn’t care, boys who wanted more than they had rights to and parents who were wounded themselves.
Ones that are a result from living in a constant state of debilitating fear and anxiousness. 
Deep, aching pain from love lost and people taken from us without our consent.
Life is not always easy. Sometimes it is so hard it takes every ounce of strength just to leave our beds in the morning, let alone be the strong, vibrant young women everyone expects us to be.
Our fight doesn't end once we get out into the world after having the mess beaten out of us. It carries on when we have to cover our brokenness with smiles, laughs, fake energy and dry shampoo. We feel the need to act like we’re not dealing with very real, excruciating and sometimes ugly problems.
This process leads to isolation and eventually defeat.
Opening up the ugly and broken parts of our hearts hurts. It burns deeply. Sharing the pain of our past and present with even our closest friends takes more courage than we often feel we could ever have. We view the other girls in our lives through a distorted lens, thinking they have it all together. Their jobs are exciting and allow them to work in trendy coffee shops around town. Their boyfriends are doting hotties and have money to buy them fancy Kate Spade bags. They work out more than five times a day and don’t have an ounce of fat on their perfectly styled bodies. They are too perfect to experience shame, fear or depression. They seem to have it all together, which leads us to feel like our pain and wounds make us "different" from everyone else and therefore, undesirable.
This is so wrong.
Everyone has experienced some degree of brokenness.
You are not alone in your pain, confusion and fear. Your wounds do not discount you from what God has destined for your life. Do not fall victim to the lies.
I challenge you, God-authored heroine, to be the one to start the wave of authenticity in your tribe. Take a deep breath and exhale your truth. It is okay to be broken. It will burn, but it is a burn that will make you and others in your life stronger.
Let’s be trailblazers, people who mark and prepare a trail through a forest or field for others to follow.
Let us carry our torches, tell our stories, embrace the burn and create a way for others to experience true freedom in Jesus. 
If we can muster the strength to be vulnerable and authentic, we can be the heroines for our sisterhood. Our pain reaches their pain and tells them it is okay to hurt, there is a Savior who sees their pain and loves them more than they could ever imagine.
Scripture tells us in Isaiah 61 that God replaces our ashes with beauty. He takes our mourning and despair, gives us instead joy and praise (Isaiah 61:3). When we allow our brokenness to be revealed, He redeems it all and gives in return healing, fullness and freedom.
There is great power and strength that comes with the burn of living an authentic and vulnerable life.
Let us pick up our torches and blaze the way for our sisters.
The burn is worth it.
“ . . . To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”
-        Isaiah 61:3

      I am a worshiper of Jesus Christ, an adoring wife of Jared Runion, an older sister to Jordan McCroskey, a daughter of two high school sweethearts and a part of a world-changing movement of God in Nashville, TN. I am a hopeless romantic, outdoor fanatic, tone-deaf music lover and major Disnerd. I spend most weekends on an airplane traveling to photograph incredible couples or adventuring with Jared. I have a passion for Gods daughters, a love for their hearts and a vision for their lives. I can shop with the best of them and can a pitch a tent faster than my dad… usually.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Grace Given: Heroines Volume III (Andi Hale and Erica Lovingood)

A native Texan, Andi Hale moved to Nashville a year and a half ago. She now works as administrator for Fellowship School of Dance and is heavily involved with the My Local college ministry, started by Erica and Trevor Lovingood.
Erica Lovingood resides in Nashville with her husband, Trevor, and oversees college and young adult ministry, My Local. She is a stay-at-home mom with her daughter, Londyn.

“. . . They went up on the roof, removed some tiles, and let him down in the middle of everyone, right in front of Jesus.”
Luke 5:19, MSG
We have all experienced paralyzing moments—when we learn of a friend who has overdosed, when we witness a marriage of several decades disintegrate, when we encounter the kind of racism we believed only existed in history books. A God-authored friend walks with us through those seasons and places us at the feet of Jesus when we are paralyzed. When we don’t have the strength, they will fight our battles with us, take up our cause and shield us with prayer. 
It is our calling as God-authored heroines to bring one another to the feet of Jesus.
“Without a moment’s hesitation, he did it—got up, took his blanket, and left for home, giving glory to God all the way.”
Luke 5:25, MSG
At His feet, we experience victorious moments—when we learn of the new life inside us, when we witness friends come to eternal salvation, when we encounter God-dreams we didn’t know we could possess. In unity, we celebrate these miracles. We are empowered to move through both the beautiful and the crushing parts of life with grace. Not a delicate, soft grace. Fierce, enduring grace that pushes us through the seasons of unimaginable heartbreak and pain. Grace that moves through us and forges a path before us.
“My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God’s truth, don’t write them off. Go after them. Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives…”
James 5:19-20, MSG
God-authored friendships are grace-giving. We are not called to be hoarders of this grace but to actively seek ways to give it away. As sisters unified in Christ, we look for the best in each other but are also willing to point out areas that threaten to compromise God-dreams. An authentic friend is one who will have tough conversations with the hope we can begin to run in freedom, not fear. These vulnerable discussions start with us. When we open the door to our own fears and struggles, we allow them to go there as well.
“Young people, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in.”
Ecclesiastes 11:9, NLT
As God-authored friends, we get to take it all in. Friendships are meant to be enjoyed, celebrated. Relationships are a gift, given to us so we can be freed up to enjoy the journey together.
Our journey began in an old warehouse in Franklin, Tennessee. We were both new to Nashville and in desperate need of community. In that moment, the Lord answered our prayers and brought us together. Since that day, we have been through many trials. Each battle was hard fought and won through prayer. We have spent a good portion of our friendship on our knees, calling out to the Lord on our sister’s behalf. In His perfectly authored story, we have also experienced some of the most rewarding moments of joy together. Every Sunday at lunch, we celebrate these victories the only way we know how: tacos and queso.
Our friendship has been built on a firm foundation of prayer and queso.
Praise God.
Our prayer for you is that you would find grace-giving relationships that bring you to the feet of Jesus . . .
Friendships that carry you through paralyzing seasons and to the victories on the other side.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pick Up Your Sword: Heroines Volume II (Caroline George)

War burns as a charcoal haze, a bundle of embers flickering where the kingdom melts to horizon. Your fur cloak, white as Michelangelo marble, is replaced with plated metal. You trade your scepter for a sword, your throne for a chariot. The calling to battle is rich, anointed and promised. You will charge into the fire out of obedience to the King, fight for the people He has placed under your leadership. To forgo the task would result in destruction, so you push away your fear and submit yourself to whatever occurs at the front.
Beauty once drew their attention but now it has transformed into a radiant strength that surpasses eyes and reaches deep into hearts, divine in origin, holy in mission.
There has come a time in each of our lives when we’ve had to trade our flower crowns for ones made of metal, forged from heat and sweat, given out of necessity, not vanity. We’ve experienced painful seasons when what seems pretty around us carries the weight of a battlefield. We may look put together like queens but at the center of our innermost being, we are survivors, warriors and royals riding our horses into already-won battles. We are God-authored to be heroines in His victorious saga, but have we accepted the role, been rebuilt by the divine authority entrusted to us as daughters of the Most High God?
Heroines, in literature, are characters who accomplish incredible feats despite impossible odds. They sacrifice their own interests to attain a goal greater than themselves. Their motivation stems from mission, purpose, vision for self, others and the world.
God-authored heroines are women of vision.
Throughout the Bible is evidence of God’s relationship with His girls. He handpicked women from insignificant backgrounds and used them in world-changing ways. Not glamorous. Not sugar-coated and dipped in petals. Hard, taxing ways that made history.
We, as handpicked protagonists, have the same potential and God-strength as Esther, Ruth, Mary and the other countless women who were used in the story of Christianity. Time does not sever us from saga-impacting roles—time is irrelevant and unbinding to the God who created it. We are our generation’s heroines.
Judges 4-5 introduces girl-boss heroine Deborah, leader of the Israelite people, a prophetess and wife. Deborah had a deep relationship with God that yielded strength, insight and vision. She was faithful to her calling, recognized the strength of others but remained steadfast in God-ordained authority and sanctification.
Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites came to her to have their disputes decided. She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him; “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor. I will lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.’”
Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.”
“Very well,” Deborah said, “I will go with you. But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.
Judges 4:4-6
Three things to note . . .
1.     God gave Deborah a vision for the Israelite nation.
2.     Because of the vision, Deborah was a steward of God’s plan for others.
3.     Deborah did not leave Barak to tackle his God-given mission alone, rather she went with him into battle to share the weight of such a task.
God-authored heroines . . .
-        Are fueled by futuristic calling, accept leadership and point others to their God-authored visions.
-        Recognize God’s presence in the visions of others.
-        Magnify the callings of others.
-        Heroines see through the worldly shroud of sin and bear witness to God’s will for the future.
God’s daughters have melted under stereotypes, expectations, fears and insecurities for too long. They have denied their swords and crowns, instead retreating to their small, safe dreams. Heroines take their swords to already won battles and suffer through trials with supernatural endurance. They also join others in their suffering so as to keep unified the Kingdom of God.
What is vision? How do we get it?
-        Visions are God-sized, God-given dreams powered by purposeful calling.
-        To have vision is to have vision for self, vision for others and the world.
-        Visions are not products of tenacity, rather weapons gifted to us by the King of Kings. As children of God, we have visionary birthrights, positions of ordained leadership bought for us through salvation. If we take ownership of the power offered to us, we step into a place of sacred closeness with God and the visions handed to us like swords become our drive, our struggle and His victory.
-        Vision isn’t a quiet, gentle gift. It roars like a lion. It rattles its cage, aching to break free.
-        Vision leads.
Takeaway: Women with holy vision are women equipped with the power of God.
We are not flawless. We have been broken, pieced together and scarred in battle. Our lives are not aesthetic scrapbooks uploaded on social media sites, rather charred battlegrounds and reconstructed fortresses. In the eyes of others, we appear pretty and soft, but our Creator has designed us to carry vision, leadership and care for others.
What are the visions God has placed on your life? What’s stopping you from charging into battle with faithful endurance and royal confidence?
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. […] “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
Proverbs 31: 25-26, 29
Heroines, let’s forgo our scepters, pick up our swords and step into the history-changing, generation-defining roles prepared for us by the Author of All.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Lighting the Spark: Heroines Volume I (Stephanie McGraw)

A little girl sits cross-legged while playing with her beloved stuffed bear, Fuzzy. Her mother is in the kitchen making pancakes while her father sits on the couch next to her flipping through channels on the television. Little girl is content. She loves Saturdays, and pancakes, and Fuzzy. Father’s program cuts to commercials and little girl looks up. On the screen is what appears to be a flawless woman with long legs and yellow hair. She is being chased by a handsome gentleman. They embrace each other. They look so happy. In that moment little girl becomes aware of her undeveloped body and curly brown hair. She will forever associate beauty with the flawless couple that frolicked on the screen.
We were children when we first started to build our definitions of what womanhood meant. While the television was often a dominant educator, we also watched our mothers, and older sisters, and friends to understand who we are, and what we will be. Some images empowered us, and others crippled us. And at some point in our lives we must choose the kind of woman we will be. Some will fixate their eyes on beauty, and others wealth. Some will use their womanhood to birth a lineage, and others will dedicate their lives to seeking justice. For each of us, there is a deep sense and longing for more. Unfortunately, some women have been told to, “be quiet,” or “let a man do it” for so long, that they have become lost to this calling.
It is extremely easy to get swept away in the noise and let false perceptions define you. That is why we want to go to the source of our womanly nature—the author of our very being. Through this series we will be unleashing the vast ways of being a God-authored heroine.

Heroine. The word is literally defined as, “A woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character.” She is strong. She is fierce. She is unstoppable.

Contrary to popular belief, God loves using women in His story. Scripture is filled with examples of this—Esther, Ruth, Rahab, Mary, just to name a few. He loved using the unlikeliest of people to carry out His will and to be heroines in their time. They defied cultural norms, risked their lives, and took immense leaps of faith to fight for what they believed in. They embodied courage, bravery, and spirit.
It’s easy to look at these women and marvel at their stories and how the Lord used them to make history, but dismiss that same possibility for our own lives. However, there are endless doors of possibility waiting to be opened by the girl who unlocks the potential that God has given her.
She who sees her womanhood as a gift and not an obstacle. She whose character surpasses her beauty. She whose spirit lights the way for others. She who believes the Lord can use her. These are the heroines of our day.
I truly believe that God deeply enjoyed making the woman. Woven in our personhood are the sincerest and most loving characteristics of God. The Lord delights in using the woman. She is His secret weapon and one of His most treasured creations. He grieves when she is oppressed. He rejoices when she is glad. He loves her and is for her.

A God-authored heroine is a woman of enormous character. She loves life, yet holds it loosely. She is always receptive to learning and is always searching for the Lord in every corner of her life.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25
As God-authored heroines, it is important that we believe in each other and encourage one another. We must highlight more than our sister’s cute shoes, and instead, note her character. We must search deep within our sisters to see their unique strengths and gifts, and lift those up. We must build up what was torn down. When we begin to reconstruct our views of our own womanhood and the women around us, we free ourselves to truly loving one another. We rid ourselves of envy and jealousy that has so often robbed us of our joy and confidence.
It is time that we stopped looking at our womanhood as a curse, or an excuse, or an obstacle, and instead saw it as a gift from the heavens. May we not get stuck looking back that we never move forward. May we use our words to lift up and heal one another. May the Spirit fill us with dreams bigger than our fragile frames that they may overflow into the hearts of others.
We invite you to explore what being a God-authored heroine means in your life. It is our prayer that you would be open to hearing from the Lord to see how He can use your story and womanhood in this world. May these words light a spark in your heart. There is unimaginable adventure in store for she who embarks the life of the God-authored heroine.
It is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’—the things God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9

I am a girl, growing every day into shoes too big. I’m a dreamer, always have been. I’ve loved many art forms, but the written word is by far my favorite. I have come to adore the infinite possibilities that characters and syllables and punctuations strung together can become. I believe we are all storytellers and that we all have very special, very unique perspectives begging to be shared and heard. Words have the power to inspire us to do remarkable, courageous things. They sometimes lift our spirit and make us laugh. Other times they make us cry and see the world differently. Words can help us heal and grow stronger.
Just like I am a young woman becoming my own, my story is unfolding with the passing days. I don’t want to miss a beat. I want to savor every word on every page of this story that is my life. I want you to be part of it. To hear my heart. To laugh with me, cry with me, grow with me. I want to hear your story, too. Let’s have a conversation. Let’s love each other well, and use our words wisely to change our worlds for the better.
For me, I believe that this life is far too complex and beautiful to not have an author. I adore my Creator, and am learning from Him and about Him each day. It is for His glory that I write. He’s the truest inspiration.
