Sunday, July 19, 2015

Social Media Challenge


Is your summer book pile diminishing? Would you like a thrilling, genre-bending read without having to sacrifice the cash?

Next week, I will be traveling to New York City to pitch my latest book to agents. I’ve been working nonstop the past few months to prepare for my pitch session. Late nights, rewrites, fit-throwing, queries, synopses, one-sheets—it is all complete.

To celebrate and promote my upcoming trip, I am hosting a social media challenge!

To enter the contest, post the hashtag #IAmTheVestige on your social media account. Each post will act as an entry. The more you tweet, Instagram, blog, and Facebook #IAmTheVestige, the more times you will be entered into the final drawing. There isn’t an entry limit. Post as much or as little as you want! Just know that the more entries you have, the more likely you are to win.

Winner will receive:

·        A signed PRIME WAY PROGRAM book of their choosing

·        A signed PRIME WAY PROGRAM cup and bookmark

·        A personal letter

·        And their social media featured on my blog

Help me generate book buzz and hype! Like, share, comment, post, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #IAmTheVestige.

A minute of your day could win you a free book!

This contest lasts from 7/19-8/3/2015.

The challenge winner will be announced August 4th.

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